A collection of papers.
- “The Computational Production of Simulacra.” Garden of Ideas, Vol. 3, 2023 - Issue 1.
- “Wor(k/d)play.” Garden of Ideas, Vol. 2, 2023 - Issue 1.
- “Economy of the Dataset: Marx and Large Language Models.” Reboot Fellowship, 2023 cohort. March 2023.
- “The Wartime State and the Cigarette: Darkness and Temporality in Pale Horse, Pale Rider.” The Explicator, Volume 80, 2022 - Issue 1-2, pages 30-33. Publisher’s link.
- “And Then the Hammer Broke: Seeing Machine Vision.” Pacific University Philosophy Conference.
- “The Sacrifice of a ‘Stoic Metaphysics’.”
- “Seeing Water: Building International Justice Beyond Embodied Metaphysics.”
- “Ethical Crisis Under the Husserlian Epoché: Restoring the Normative Force of Doubt.”
- “Subject Without Subjectivity: John Rawls and Liberalism through the Sixties.”
- “Object and Orgasm: A Manifesto of the Melancholy.”