History Listed
Simply listing events and observing when they happen. We often learn about history topically, but they coincide in time. The aim of this list is to forcefully mesh together many cognitively partitioned historical events, at the expense of contextualization. These lists, of course, reflect my own biases and interests. Work in progress.
1968 (1965 - 1973), in no particular order
- 1965: Voting Rights Act passes
- 1965: Indian-Pakistan War
- 1965: Malcolm X assassinated
- 1965: Rhodesia declares independence from UK
- 1965: Civil War in Dominican Republic, US intervenes
- 1965: Indonesia anti-communist purge begins, 500k killed
- 1966: Chinese Cultural Revolution begins
- 1966: Formation of the Black Panther Party
- 1966: Botswana and Lesotho gain independence
- 1966: South African border war begins
- 1967: Six-Day War, Israel occupies West Bank, Gaza, Sinai, Golan Heights
- 1967: Summer of Love in San Francisco
- 1967: Che Guevara captured and executed
- 1967: Loving v. Virginia, Supreme Court strikes down anti-miscegenation laws
- 1967: Nigerian Civil War, >1 million killed mainly from famine
- 1968: Fair Housing Act passed
- 1968: Prague Spring and USSR invasion of Czechoslovakia
- 1968: Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam
- 1968: Tet Offensive and beginning of US withdrawal from Vietnam
- 1968: Huge student protests in the US, France, Mexico, Germany, Italy
- 1968: Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
- 1968: Robert F. Kennedy assassinated
- 1968: Hellen Keller dies
- 1968: John Steinbeck dies
- 1968: Edith Piaf dies
- 1968: Yuri Gagarin dies
- 1968: Paris May riots against Charles de Gaulle, nearly topples government
- 1968: Battle of Karameh between Palestinians and Israelis
- 1968: Democratic National Convention riots in Chicago
- 1968: Tlatelolco massacre against protesters in the Mexico City Olympic Games
- 1968: Italy’s Hot Autumn, massive strikes and protests
- 1969: Apollo 11 mission, first moon landing
- 1969: Muammar Gaddafi leads coup in Libya
- 1969: Stonewall riots in New York City
- 1969: The Troubles begin in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestants
- 1969: China-USSR border conflicts
- 1970: Incursion of Vietnam War into Cambodia
- 1970: Overthrow of Cambodian government by Khmer Rouge, leading to genocide in 1975
- 1970: Dawson’s Field Hijackings in Jordan by PFLP
- 1970: Kent State shootings
- 1970: Death of Abdel Nasser, Sadat becomes president of Egypt
- 1970: Black September in Jordan, PLO vs. Jordanian government
- 1971: Nixon declares War on Drugs
- 1971: Bangladesh War of Independence / Liberation War
- 1972: Israeli athletes killed at the Munich Olympics
- 1972: Watergate scandal
- 1972: Nixon visits China
- 1972: Intel Releases the 4004 Microprocessor
- 1972: Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland, British Army kills 13 unarmed protesters in Derry
- 1973: Yom Kippur War, surprise attack by Egypt and Syria on Israel
- 1973: Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court legalizes abortion
- 1973: US ends draft for Vietnam War
- 1973: Pinochet overthrows Allende with U.S. support, establishing military dictatorship in Chile
Under construction. Will be made much more detailed and fair.
- 63 BCE: Roman conquest of Judea.
- 70 CE: Romans destroy the Second Temple; Jewish diaspora begins.
- 132-135: Bar Kokhba revolt; final major Jewish revolt against Rome, resulting in widespread Jewish dispersal.
- 313: Edict of Milan legalizes Christianity in the Roman Empire.
- 325: Council of Nicaea establishes Christian orthodoxy, increasing Christian influence in Palestine.
- 395: Division of the Roman Empire; Palestine becomes part of the Byzantine Empire.
- 614: Sasanian Empire briefly conquers Jerusalem.
- 629: Byzantine Empire regains control of Palestine.
- 638: Arab Muslim forces capture Jerusalem; Palestine becomes part of the Rashidun Caliphate.
- 1099: First Crusade captures Jerusalem, establishing the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
- 1187: Saladin captures Jerusalem, ending Crusader control.
- 1229: Treaty of Jaffa grants Crusaders limited control over Jerusalem.
- 1291: Fall of Acre; end of Crusader states in Palestine.
- 1517: Ottoman Empire takes control of Palestine.
- 1839: Tanzimat reforms begin in the Ottoman Empire.
- 1858: Ottoman land reform enabling private land sales.
- 1870-1900: Unsystematic Jewish colonization begins.
- 1872: Jerusalem designated as an independent Ottoman district.
- 1876: Ottoman constitution promulgated.
- 1880s: Jewish immigration increases under Ottoman control.
- 1881-1903: First Aliyah; waves of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe and Yemen arrive in Ottoman Palestine.
- 1881: Pogroms in Ukraine after Alexander II’s assassination trigger Jewish emigration.
- 1882: First organized Jewish settlement with a nationalist aim in Palestine.
- 1904-1914: Second Aliyah; influx of Jewish immigrants following anti-Semitic pogroms in Eastern Europe.
- 1904-1905: Second wave of pogroms in Russia.
- 1908: Clashes between Palestinian Arabs and Zionist Jews in Jaffa.
- 1913: Zarnuqa incident; confrontation between Zionists and local Arabs.
- 1914: Jewish population in Palestine reduced to 56,000 due to Ottoman policies.
- 1917: Balfour Declaration supports a Jewish national home in Palestine.
- 1917: British forces capture Palestine from the Ottomans.
- 1918: Anglo-French Declaration promises emancipation of Arab peoples from Ottoman rule.
- 1919: Faisal-Weizmann Agreement on Arab-Jewish cooperation.
- 1919-1923: Third Aliyah; spurred by anti-Semitic violence in Eastern Europe and post-WWI turmoil.
- 1920: San Remo Convention grants British Mandate for Palestine.
- 1921: Violence in Jaffa; dozens of Jews killed.
- 1922: Churchill White Paper affirms British pro-Zionist stance but limits Jewish immigration.
- 1924-1929: Fourth Aliyah; driven by economic hardships and rising anti-Semitism in Europe.
- 1929: Western Wall riots; Shaw Commission investigates.
- 1933: Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany; rise in Jewish immigration.
- 1933-1939: Fifth Aliyah; massive wave of Jewish immigration due to the rise of Nazi Germany.
- 1936-1939: Arab Revolt against British rule and Zionist expansion.
- 1937: Peel Commission proposes partition of Palestine; widely rejected.
- 1939: British White Paper limits Jewish immigration.
- 1939-1948: Aliyah Bet; clandestine Jewish immigration to Palestine to bypass British restrictions.
- 1942: Biltmore Conference calls for a Jewish Commonwealth.
- 1944: Stern Gang assassinates British Minister Lord Moyne.
- 1946: Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry explores solutions to Palestine issue.
- 1947: UN Resolution 181 calls for partitioning Palestine.
- 1948: Declaration of the State of Israel by David Ben-Gurion.
- 1948: Arab-Israeli War begins as British Mandate ends.
- 1949: UN creates the “Green Line” as the armistice boundary.
- 1950: Absentee Property Law allows confiscation of Palestinian property.
- 1950: Jordan formally annexes the West Bank.
- 1951: King Abdullah of Jordan assassinated.
- 1956: Suez Crisis: Israel, UK, and France attack Egypt; UN intervenes.
- 1964: Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) established under Nasser’s influence.
- 1967: Six-Day War; Israel captures Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem, Sinai Peninsula, and Golan Heights.
- 1967: UN Resolution 242 proposes “land for peace.”
- 1969: Yasser Arafat becomes PLO chairman.
- 1970: Black September; PLO clashes with Jordanian government.
- 1973: Yom Kippur War; Egypt and Syria attack Israel.
- 1974: UN recognizes PLO as the representative of Palestinians.
- 1979: Israel and Egypt sign peace treaty; Israel withdraws from Sinai.
- 1981: Israel annexes the Golan Heights.
- 1987: First Intifada begins, a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation.
History of Science Coming.
History of Philosophy Coming.