
Jun 28, 2024 My work has been covered in an Allen School news post!
May 14, 2024 I am honored to have been named the UW Philosophy Department’s 2023-2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar.
Apr 7, 2024 I presented my paper “And then the Hammer Broke: Reflections on Machine Ethics from Feminist Philosophy of Science” at the Pacific University Philosophy Conference in Forest Grove, Oregon! Read the paper on arXiv.
Dec 22, 2023 I am a Phi Beta Kappa scholar, sponsored by the Philosophy Department.
Dec 20, 2023 I am a finalist for the CRA Outstanding Undergrad Research Award!
Nov 7, 2023 My project Confidence Contours with Quan Ze (Jim) Chen and Amy Zhang won honorable mention for best paper at HCOMP ‘23!
Nov 4, 2023 Our paper on moral meaning and social intentionality in LLMs, “LLMs grasp morality in concept.”, has been accepted to the MP2 workshop at NeurIPS. See you this December in New Orleans!
Sep 23, 2023 I will be a TA for the Transition School English Literature course during the 2023-2024 academic year, and a TA for CSE 160 this quarter.
Sep 21, 2023 I received the HCOMP/CI ‘23 Student Scholarship!
Aug 7, 2023 My article “The Wartime State and the Cigarette: Darkness and Temporality in Pale Horse, Pale Rider has been listed in the 2022 Katherine Anne Porter society bibliography on Porter scholarship.
Aug 7, 2023 My paper on Confidence Contours mentored by Jim Chen and Amy Zhang has been accepted into AAAI HCOMP’23 in Delft, Netherlands!
May 31, 2023 I presented a poster on the Confidence Contours at Allen School Masters and Undergraduate Research Showcase! View the poster here.
May 19, 2023 I presented on my project Confidence Contours at the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium. Watch the talk on YouTube or view photos on Instagram.
Sep 15, 2022 My second book, Deep Learning for Tabular Data, hit #1 in new releases for Information Theory and #4 in new releases for Artificial Intelligence on Amazon. Feel free to reach out if you would like a copy of a chapter or the book!
Sep 15, 2022 My second book, Deep Learning for Tabular Data, hits #1 in new releases for Information Theory and #4 in new releases for Artificial Intelligence on Amazon.
Aug 7, 2022 Interactive Intelligence has received $24k of funding from the UW STF fund!
May 28, 2022 I will be leaving the Najafian Lab at the University of Washington after one year and three months! Thank you to Dr. Behzad Najafian and David Smerkous for a valauble experience.