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Lecture Notes

CSE 142

Table of contents
  1. Week 1 Wednesday Lecture
    1. About CSE 142
    2. Other Similar Courses
    3. Course Components
    4. Pedagogy
    5. Learning in CSE 142
  2. Week 1 Friday Lecture
    1. Java
    2. Assessment and Grading
  3. Week 2 Monday Lecture
    1. Administrative
      1. Java
  4. Week 2 Wednesday Lecture
  5. Week 2 Friday Lecture
  6. Week 3 Monday Lecture
    1. Administrative
    2. Java
  7. Week 3 Wednesday Lecture
    1. Administrative
    2. Java
  8. Week 3 Friday Lecture
  9. Week 4 Monday Lecture
    1. Administrative
    2. Java
  10. Week 4 Wednesday Lecture
  11. Week 4 Friday Lecture
  12. Week 5 Monday Lecture
  13. Week 5 Wednesday Lecture
    1. Administrative
    2. Java

Week 1 Wednesday Lecture

About CSE 142

  • Learning Objectives
    • Functionality/Behavior - write functionally correct Java programs that meet a provided specification and/or solve a specified problem.
    • Functional Decomposition - break down problems into subproblems that are modular and reusable, and define methods to represent those subproblems.
    • Control Structures - select and apply control structures (e.g. methods, loops, conditionals) to manage the flow of control and information in programs.
    • Data Abstraction - select and apply basic data abstractions to manage and manipulate data in programs.
    • Code Quality - define programs that are well-written, readable, maintainable, and conform to established standards.
  • 1/5 is about if the code works - it is not enough for the code to work. Code is for people, not computers. Code must be readable, well-written, and maintainable.

Other Similar Courses

CSE 142No programming and major in CS, CE, EE.
CSE 143Programming in Java before or AP CS in high school.
CSE 143xYou have programmed in a lanugage other than Java and are confident you can pick up new concepts.
CSE 160Interested in data science and analysis and learning Python over Java.

Course Components

  • Lessons on MWF 11:30 in KNE; recordings will be released afterwards. First introduction to course concepts. Mix of content presentation and activity/problem practice. There will be some required pre-work.
  • Sections on Thursday in various times. Led by TAs; held live in person and not recorded. Additional review, discussion, and practice; mostly practice problem. Double-check your MyUW again before section because rooms may change. Materials will be released after section.
  • No attendance is taken; there is no need ot notify absences.


  • You didn’t learn how to ride a bike by being taught how to ride a bike.
  • Learn by doing; do not expect to sit down and write code the first time successfully. Practice and expect failure.

Learning in CSE 142

  1. Exposure - lessons, video, textbook. Encounter concepts for the first time.
  2. Guided practice - lesson activities, sections, labs. Practice with support from course staff.
  3. Independent/Group Practice - checkpoints, section problems, additional practice.
  4. Assessment - take-home assessments. Build upon steps 1-3 scaffolding, learn by doing and demonstrate mastery.
    • Expect to practice, make mistakes, and do things more than once.
    • Question-oriented.

Week 1 Friday Lecture


  • Programs begin with public class.
  • All lower-case letters in keywords.
  • Only allowed to use letters, numbers, underscores, and dollar signs.
  • Conventions for this class - use pascal casing (e.g. HelloWorld, ByeNow).
  • Program names must be descriptive.
  • Use tabbing and indentation.
  • public stratic void main(String[] args) - entry point, will use in the beginning of most every Java program.
  • Command, method call - tells the program to do something.
  • String - text, indicated by double quotes.
  • Most lines in Java (statements) end w/ a semicolon.
  • Methods - take a chunk of code and give it a name. Adds structure to the code and allows for repeated code to be called easily.
  • Method names begin with a lower letter, whereas program names begin with an upper letter.

Assessment and Grading

  • The goal of the course is to master the concepts and skills being taught.
  • Work assessments are a proxy for mastery, and the final grade should reflect the extent to which you have demonstrated course objective mastery.
  • Take-home assessments (weekly, 8), checkpoints (checkpoints, 9-10), culminating assessments (2), reflections (8-10)

Week 2 Monday Lecture


  • Large programming assignments to assess mastery of the week’s concepts. Make up the bulk of assignments.
  • Credit for a checkpoint is to get the small-check mark.
  • Culminating assessments (series of problems overing all material up to that point)
  • Reflections with other assignmentsaa - put some time and thought into it
  • ESNU grading: final grades will be assigned based on the amoutn of work at each level.
    • Visit the syllabus for ESN table.
    • Count how many reflections, checkpoints, etc. - compute the bundle and find the highest of guaranteed grades that you completely qualify for.
    • After the bundles, there will be bumps; credit will be given and adding it to the base grade.
    • The bumps are not given by a preset grading distribution. Accounts for changes in the course.
  • Resubmission: one previous take-home assessment can be resubmitted each week.
  • Collaboration policy: you can discuss ideas and approachess at a high level.


  • Use System.out.println() instead of System.out.println("").
  • Use methods to capture structure; don’t put all code in the main function.
  • There is not one right way to write code.
  • Be able to defend your choice.
  • Redundancy: we don’t want to repeat code unnecessarily. The more you type, the more likely you will make an error.
    • Current definition: 2 or more lines of code that are exactly the same in 2 or more places in your program.
    • A single line of code cannot be redundant.
    • We make a few exceptions to the redundancy rule, including blank lines.
  • Methods can call other methods.

Week 2 Wednesday Lecture

  • Control Flow Construct: the order in which operations are executed.
  • So far, we have used linear control flow.
  • Loop - a mechanism to make a chunk of code execute an integer number of times.
  • Syntax: for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {...}.
    • Initialization, condition, update method
  • Assignment - setting a variable to a value.

Week 2 Friday Lecture

  • Counting loop; waiting until a condition happens.
  • Initialize vcounting variable once; test the condition; repeat until condition is violated.

Week 3 Monday Lecture


  • Look at feedback and make sure you are taking advantage of given information.
  • Highly important and recommended to reference resources.


  • Class constants - public static final int VAR = VAL;.
  • Truncated/floor division.
  • Modulus - remainder.

Week 3 Wednesday Lecture


  • Resubmission Cycle - fill out a Google form and provide the Ed URL in addition to remarking your submission.


  • Scope - where are things visibe to each other?
  • A variable declared in one method is not visible in another method.
  • Parameters -what we do when we call the method and what we do in the method that accepts the parameters.
  • Never use global variables.
  • import java.util.* - import directive. Put at top of script. We must ask to get access to this.
  • Scanner is a class in Java - performs input.
  • Scanner console = new Scanner(; int input = console.nextInt(); - connects to the computer input.

Week 3 Friday Lecture

  • Procedural programming - verb, noun structure.
  • Java is designed for object-oriented programming rather than procedural programming.
  • A class defines the structure of an object; an object is the thing itself.
  • Scanners - Scanner console = new Scanner(; int input = console.nextInt(); String strInput =
  • Pass the console as a parameter to a method using user input.

Week 4 Monday Lecture


  • Things are ramping up and we are getting into the meat of the coruse.
  • Moving from feeling uncomfortable to unsure.


-char vs String

  • Return values; we must recognize how to use the return value.
  • If you want a method to return something, replace void with the output type.

Week 4 Wednesday Lecture

  • Return values - a method to pass information throughout different methods.
  • Store returned values in a variable, do not assume that variables themselves have been passed.
  • If you want to concatenate characters into a string, use ""+char1+char2+char3.
  • Conditionals/branches/if statements.
if (condition) {
  • num == 0
  • if/else if/else

Week 4 Friday Lecture

  • Pseudocode - planning programs without worrying about syntax.
  • Cumulative programs.

Week 5 Monday Lecture

  • A method should complete one task - don’t chain methods.
  • Main should drive the program. Methods should complete their own work rather than dictating what should come next.
  • Reading in multiple words: console.nextLine(); don’t mix nextLine with anything else.
  • We cannot use == with Strings in the way we want it to. Strings are objects (i.e. not primitives); this tests if the two objects you are comparing are exactly the same object - not if it holds the same information.
    • Use String.equals(String) instead.
  • Use while loop

Week 5 Wednesday Lecture


  • Simulated Midterm - write what a midterm would have looked like.
  • A key for the simulated midterm will be released; you will be asked to annotate the midterm and make notes on what you didn’t do correctly.


  • Fencepost problems: posts and wire.
  • Also can be known as a sentinel loop.

Notes discontinued after Week 5.