Course Logistics
Winter History
Dr. Reagan periodically takes class time to give feedback on assignments and instruction/clarification on course logistics.
Table of contents
Week 5
Essay 1 Feedback
- Good job - everyone is doing solid work.
- Main thing Sophia and Dr. Reagan are looking for: there is no one place in scholarship where some thing is satisfying and nothing more can be achieved.
- There is always space to develop and refine.
- This is what is being looked for: the process of taking what one has and taking it to the next level.
- Looking for growth; wherever you find yourself, continue pushing in that way.
- Essays are looking good.
- Continue pursuing genuine intellectual curiosity.
- Speak in your own voice; speak in a voice that is comfortable for you.
- The strongest writing we encounter is the most direct, precise, and simple.
Rubric for Advanced Papers
- Specific standards around advanced papers have criteria.
- Does it have an argument that is unique? > B range
- Is it specific and nuanced? > A range
- What does it mean to have a sophisticated argument?
- Argument: some of the questions being asked when analyzing the quality of the argument.
- Does it engage with the other arguments and ideas from reading?
- In a somewhat simplistic way: is the quesiton rooted in a passage from another text? (B-range)
- In a more sophisticated way: does the student’s argument engage with the argument other scholars or historical persons have presented? (A-range).
- Does it present a unique claim?
- Is it working the material to generate intellectual contributions?
- Does it have a nuanced understanding based on analysis and close reading?
- Not making blanket claims that gloss over complications and contradictions inherent in life and social organization.
- Not giving simplistic answers.
- e.g. “the Civil War can be traced all to economics.”
- There is no “hard and fast” rule, but embraces the complexity of the issue.
- Is it seeking ultimate causality?
- Important piece of historical thinking: Diamond - proximate vs. ultimate causality.
- Prime movers in the forces of history.
- Does it account for alternate explanations in class or in the literature?
- Is there a level of complexity or contradiction that has beeen introduced?
- Does it engage with the other arguments and ideas from reading?
- Organization: how the idea is expressed relates to the content of the idea. It takes playing with and developing each time.
- Does the paper meet standards for scholarly organization?
- Are you producing the core of your argument early in the essay?
- Does it meet standard scholarly organizations?
- Is the paper organizationally consistent?
- Does every section of the structure (paragraphs or sections) relate to immediate pieces of the claim?
- Is background and context fully required? - sometimes, yes, but usually, no.
- Are the ideas and analysis fully develped and logically placed.
- Are there no extraneous, tangential, or hanging points of analysis?
- Is there an extra shard of analysis that could be made somewhere else / doesn’t belong in this paper?
- Is it tightly constructed in this way?
- Is the conclusion full and lead to new areas of inquiry?
- Gives the full steps of the analysis, and pointing to new directions.
- Does the paper meet standards for scholarly organization?
- Finishing:
- Free from excessive typos or errors?
- Evidence that the paper has been revised.
- Often the thesis is in the conclusion; go back and articulate it cleanly in the introduction.
Historical Hierarchy
- In general, illegitimate hierarchy is bad.
- However, legitimate hierarchy sometimes exists.
- What types of questions are we asking?
- The past is full of different philosophical, physical, scientific, physiological, rhetorical, sociological, biological, etc. questions that can be asked.
- Trick: looking for a hierarchy of questions as it relates to hierarchies and social change.
- Reading responses - doing specific, close readings into many of the primary sources.
- How is language being used?
- Often, less rhetorical analysis, and thinking of these questions in a more historical, analytical claim.
- Distinction in historical vs rhetorical vs philosophical stakes:
- Rhetorical and philosophical stakes are good, but not the focus of the class.
- In addition to picking the topic, we need to ask particular types of questions about it to make it historical.
- Passage in reading response or topic for culminating project: need to frame the questions historically.
- Important steps to create a higher order of questions:
- Think through the process that gets us to a particular question.
- Select and choose from hierarchy of questions.
- How is an argument being developed rhetorically? philosophical? moral assumptions? conditions and content that makes the claim meaningful?
- Important questions:
- Are explanatory
- Are social (tie back to social relationships and forms)
- Immediately explorable/answerable, tie back to the text or other texts
- Explain conditions
- Explore change over time
Week 6
Asking Historial Questions, Finding Historical Answers
- Moral, literary, etc. questions are not the focus of historical study.
- How do we take our intellectual curiosity and turn it into something historically fruitful?
- We can ask many different types of questions; for us, though, causality is important.
- Why did something happens.
- Moving from the individual to the social.
- Boyer and Morais: Why did John Lewis punch William Hutcheson?
- Certain types of answers can be generated.
- Individual or pyschological answers: Lewis was violent, mean, etc.
- Literary answers: themes of anger and masculinity, etc.
- Social answers: working class masculinity, violence necessary to break from the AFL, etc.
- Further: why was violence necessary? Potential answer: legacy of violence from the Gilded Age.
- These types of social answers are really the goal.
- Seek a chain of questions, answers, and ultimate causality.
- After time, the original question becomes one piece of evidence in the larger framework of claims.
- Observation > Question > Hypothesis
Historical Research
- Think about the topic and try to identify a source.
- Start Your Research > Articles & Research Databases > Search JSTOR > Sign In to NetID > JSTOR
Research Sources
- MyUW (
) - University of Washington Libraries (
) - Start Your Research > Articles and Research Databases
- A-Z Databases (
) > J > JSTOR - JSTOR (
) > Advanced Search
Research Guides
- MyUW (
) - University of Washington Libraries (
) - Start Your Research > Research Guides
- Research Guides (
) > Subject (e.g. history, sociology)
- In searching,
will return everything withindustrial